Monday 12 May 2008

The governments paranoia knows no bounds.

It was announced today by Hazel Blurghs, that town halls should monitor racial tensions, and profile known troublemakers to establish their political stance.
Seems like the government are getting overly paranoid, and can't fathom out why they have done so badly in the recent polls and council elections. So now they propose to SPY on people EVEN MORE vigorously than before. Gone are the days when your political views were your own affair.
I am guessing that this is an attempt to find out which people are likely to vote BNP, and will be targeted unjustly by government departments, once they establish such.
This is a government in total meltdown, and a PM on the verge of a nervous breakdown (dangerous times indeed) and will only serve to bring about their demise even quicker.
Being a working class white man, I never thought I would see this by a party who, until recently (4 years ago) I believed had the interests of the poorer classes at heart. How wrong I was.
This bunch of degenerates, who refer to the likes of me as "little Englanders" are only interested in lining their own pockets, and keeping the masses in check. This has been proven, time after time during their 11 year reign of power. And now, not even our political views are safe from scrutiny, with the proposals set out by Blurghs today, who resembles a pampered lapdog, feeding on the kindness of her electorate masters.
Thts what they seem to forget, that it is we, the electorate who are the masters. And we determine which MP's keep their privillidged positions.
Which is why they are becoming desperate, like rats and a sinking ship, jumping on anything which might save their slimy little necks.
Well bring it on Blurghs, and see how much popularity you gain from it. I can only imagine this proposal will be supported by communists, leftists, and the super rich alike. We'll see.
but anyone who votes for this bunch of self serving pondlife, will be voting for their own demise.
I don't mind saying, that I now vote BNP at every opportunity, and anyone who believes the spin, and the LIES of the Liberal Lefty Loonies, are in my opinion, seriously misguided and deluded to the point of madness. How much more evidence do people need to see that this lot don't give a flying f**k about the normal people who built this nation. Labour are on a mission to destroy EVERTHING that is good and British in our society, and will use any means to achieve their goal.

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