Saturday 3 May 2008

Great result for the BNP

May 1st 2008 saw the electorate go to the polls for the Nationwide Council elections.

As predicted, the Labour Nazi's were overwhelmingly trounced on all sides. Mainly by the Conservative party.

But the Conservative party are not the only ones who were celebrating. With unprecedented victories over the Labour Nazi's, the BNP have also cause to celebrate, having gained extra seats to take their total up to 100.

Not only did the BNP gain in the council elections, they even helped to get rid of Mufti/Hitler loving, Red Ken, and gained a seat on the London Mayoral assembly. Too bad that Londoners saw fit to elect a bumbling buffoon to the top spot. But, hey ho, onwards and upwards.

The results, according to Brown and his Nazi followers, are down to a proposed abolition of the working class 10p tax rate. If only one issue such as this would change the minds of the electorate so easily, the BNP would be in power by now, considering all the corruption and sleaze that is attributed to the Labour Nazi's of late.

But I am guessing the seismic shift away from Labour, is more to do with their policies which oppress the indigenous British people. Such as Anti White Racism, Anti white Genocide, Anti white political correctness, not to mention the immigration chaos.
Labour tell us that immigration is good for the economy. So why do we have a £57,000,000,000 national debt? How can immigration be good for the economy, if British workers are being undercut, and forced onto the dole by third world immigrants, who barely stoke up the treasury, because most will work for less than their British counterparts, thus paying less tax.
They actually take more from the system than they give, when you consider the cost to the economy of looking after their families. The extra strain on public services, such as the NHS. How can immigrants afford to live in Britain, if they are undercutting us? We can barely afford to scrape a living ourselves, because the British cost of living is so high. One can only assume that their earnings are topped up by the British taxpayer, then they are told by their interpreters to keep quiet about the 'EXTRAS' they receive.

And then there is the fact that most immigrants out breed us, particularly the Muslim community, who out breed British families by at least 5-1. And the Muslim community have the highest rate of unemployment, per capita, of any ethnic group in Britain today. This can be easily verified by checking out the national statistics website. They are the least financially productive group, yet they shout the loudest. And the government are only too happy to listen to their whingeing. But the reason for this, is that the Arab world has a lot of money to invest in Britain. Especially in London, where sharia banks, which give interest free mortgages to Muslims, are opening right left and centre.
Another bank which supplies interest free, sharia mortgages to Muslims, is the HSBC bank. While we struggle to pay our interest payments, Muslims get a helping hand from the banks to buy British property, because of their 'religion'.

Sharia is beginning to infect many aspects of British life. Not only do they have their own civil laws in Britain, even British universities like Oxford, Cambridge, Durham etc, are being infiltrated by Muslim lecturers, preaching the virtues of Islam, and sharia law to white British students, because they supply funds to these universities (with strings attached)
Is it any wonder that Britain is breeding its own enemies?

They are allowed to parade around the streets of our capital, with placards calling for the deaths and be headings of white westerners and Jews, yet the POLICE just stand by and look in the opposite direction. What happened to anti hatred incitement laws? Yet if we are to speak about these matters, we a branded racist, and risk being arrested? Come on, what happened to common sense? But as we all know by now, the police have become the Stasi, and the Gestapo of the Labour Nazi's.
Civil servants? Don't make me choke on my cornflakes. The police are as bad as our CORRUPT government who they support.

Are they feeling the slightest hint of guilt for selling off our gold reserves, when the price for gold was at rock bottom? I very much doubt it. Its not like it belonged to THEM, is it.
After all the millions, allegedly pumped into the NHS, Police/Law and Order, Education, have we seen any real improvement for OUR money? Not much, if any at all. The NHS is stretched, because of all the extra people needing treatment. The Police are stretched because of the increase in crime, and immigrants with uninsured, untaxed cars. Teachers are stretched because they have to spend more time on pupils who can barely speak English, so the standard of our own kids education drops right back.
We all know that all the money they receive, is spent on fighting illegal wars.
And now Des Brown MP, has just agreed to send more of our troops to Kosovo, to use more innocent Christian Serbs for target practice with the Americans.
The Serbs are fighting the same war as we face in the future, to preserve their ancestral homeland as a whole, and not have it split up by self serving, foreign, Islamic arse licking dictators, who want to give Muslims a foothold in Europe, so they can invest their wealth in the money grabbing hands of western governments, at the cost of introducing their Vile (sharia) ideologies, little by little.
We already have animals killed by the barbaric halal tradition, in Britain. and it is supposed to be against British Law, well for the MAJORITY it is anyway. Just who the hell is running this country anyway?
This government are ROTTEN to the core, and if it were not for the pride I have in the British people and our country, I would be ashamed to call myself English.

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